class Median(Aggregator):
Aggregator: Median
Authors: Dong Yin et al et al.
Year: 2021
def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, **kwargs)
def get_median(self, weights):
# check if the weight tensor has enough space
weight_len = len(weights)
median = 0
if weight_len % 2 == 1:
# odd number, return the median
median, _ = torch.median(weights, 0)
# even number, return the mean of median two numbers
# sort the tensor
arr_weights = np.asarray(weights)
nobs = arr_weights.shape[0]
start = int(nobs / 2) - 1
end = int(nobs / 2) + 1
atmp = np.partition(arr_weights, (start, end - 1), 0)
sl = [slice(None)] * atmp.ndim
sl[0] = slice(start, end)
arr_median = np.mean(atmp[tuple(sl)], axis=0)
median = torch.tensor(arr_median)
return median
def run_aggregation(self, models):
models = list(models.values())
models_params = [m for m, _ in models]
total_models = len(models)
accum = {layer: torch.zeros_like(param).float() for layer, param in models[-1][0].items()}
# Calculate the trimmedmean for each parameter
for layer in accum:
weight_layer = accum[layer]
# get the shape of layer tensor
l_shape = list(weight_layer.shape)
# get the number of elements of layer tensor
number_layer_weights = torch.numel(weight_layer)
# if its 0-d tensor
if l_shape == []:
weights = torch.tensor([models_params[j][layer] for j in range(0, total_models)])
weights = weights.double()
w = self.get_median(weights)
accum[layer] = w
# flatten the tensor
weight_layer_flatten = weight_layer.view(number_layer_weights)
# flatten the tensor of each model
models_layer_weight_flatten = torch.stack(
[models_params[j][layer].view(number_layer_weights) for j in range(0, total_models)],
# get the weight list [w1j,w2j,··· ,wmj], where wij is the jth parameter of the ith local model
median = self.get_median(models_layer_weight_flatten)
accum[layer] = median.view(l_shape)
return accum