



Abstract class for a partitioned dataset.

Module Contents#

class nebula.core.datasets.nebuladataset.NebulaDataset(num_classes=10, partition_id=0, partitions_number=1, batch_size=32, num_workers=4, iid=True, partition='dirichlet', partition_parameter=0.5, seed=42, config=None)#

Bases:, abc.ABC

Abstract class for a partitioned dataset.

Classes inheriting from this class need to implement specific methods for loading and partitioning the dataset.

train_set = None#
train_indices_map = None#
test_set = None#
test_indices_map = None#
class_distribution = None#
abstract initialize_dataset()#

Initialize the dataset. This should load or create the dataset.

abstract generate_non_iid_map(dataset, partition='dirichlet', plot=False)#

Create a non-iid map of the dataset.

abstract generate_iid_map(dataset, plot=False)#

Create an iid map of the dataset.


Get the labels of the training set based on the indices map.


Get the labels of the test set based on the indices map.


Get the labels of the local test set based on the indices map.

plot_data_distribution(dataset, partitions_map)#

Plot the data distribution of the dataset.

Plot the data distribution of the dataset according to the partitions map provided.

  • dataset – The dataset to plot (

  • partitions_map – The map of the dataset partitions.

dirichlet_partition(dataset, alpha=0.5, min_samples_per_class=10)#

Homogeneously partition the dataset into multiple subsets.

This function divides a dataset into a specified number of subsets, where each subset is intended to have a roughly equal number of samples. This method aims to ensure a homogeneous distribution of data across all subsets. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where a uniform distribution of data is desired among all federated learning clients.


dataset ( – The dataset to partition. It should have ‘data’ and ‘targets’ attributes.


A dictionary where keys are subset indices (ranging from 0 to partitions_number-1)

and values are lists of indices corresponding to the samples in each subset.

Return type:


The function randomly shuffles the entire dataset and then splits it into the number of subsets specified by partitions_number. It ensures that each subset has a similar number of samples. The function also prints the class distribution in each subset for reference.

Example usage:

federated_data = homo_partition(my_dataset) # This creates federated data subsets with homogeneous distribution.


Partition the dataset into balanced and IID (Independent and Identically Distributed) subsets for each client.

This function divides a dataset into a specified number of subsets (federated clients), where each subset has an equal class distribution. This makes the partition suitable for simulating IID data scenarios in federated learning.


dataset (list) – The dataset to partition. It should be a list of tuples where each tuple represents a data sample and its corresponding label.


A dictionary where keys are client IDs (ranging from 0 to partitions_number-1) and

values are lists of indices corresponding to the samples assigned to each client.

Return type:


The function ensures that each class is represented equally in each subset. The partitioning process involves iterating over each class, shuffling the indices of that class, and then splitting them equally among the clients. The function does not print the class distribution in each subset.

Example usage:

federated_data = balanced_iid_partition(my_dataset) # This creates federated data subsets with equal class distributions.

unbalanced_iid_partition(dataset, imbalance_factor=2)#

Partition the dataset into multiple IID (Independent and Identically Distributed) subsets with different size.

This function divides a dataset into a specified number of IID subsets (federated clients), where each subset has a different number of samples. The number of samples in each subset is determined by an imbalance factor, making the partition suitable for simulating imbalanced data scenarios in federated learning.

  • dataset (list) – The dataset to partition. It should be a list of tuples where each tuple represents a data sample and its corresponding label.

  • imbalance_factor (float) – The factor to determine the degree of imbalance among the subsets. A lower imbalance factor leads to more imbalanced partitions.


A dictionary where keys are client IDs (ranging from 0 to partitions_number-1) and

values are lists of indices corresponding to the samples assigned to each client.

Return type:


The function ensures that each class is represented in each subset but with varying proportions. The partitioning process involves iterating over each class, shuffling the indices of that class, and then splitting them according to the calculated subset sizes. The function does not print the class distribution in each subset.

Example usage:

federated_data = unbalanced_iid_partition(my_dataset, imbalance_factor=2) # This creates federated data subsets with varying number of samples based on # an imbalance factor of 2.

percentage_partition(dataset, percentage=20)#

Partition a dataset into multiple subsets with a specified level of non-IID-ness.

This function divides a dataset into a specified number of subsets (federated clients), where each subset has a different class distribution. The class distribution in each subset is determined by a specified percentage, making the partition suitable for simulating non-IID (non-Independently and Identically Distributed) data scenarios in federated learning.

  • dataset ( – The dataset to partition. It should have ‘data’ and ‘targets’ attributes.

  • percentage (int) – A value between 0 and 100 that specifies the desired level of non-IID-ness for the labels of the federated data. This percentage controls the imbalance in the class distribution across different subsets.


A dictionary where keys are subset indices (ranging from 0 to partitions_number-1)

and values are lists of indices corresponding to the samples in each subset.

Return type:


The function ensures that the number of classes in each subset varies based on the selected percentage. The partitioning process involves iterating over each class, shuffling the indices of that class, and then splitting them according to the calculated subset sizes. The function also prints the class distribution in each subset for reference.

Example usage:

federated_data = percentage_partition(my_dataset, percentage=20) # This creates federated data subsets with varying class distributions based on # a percentage of 20.

plot_all_data_distribution(dataset, partitions_map)#

Plot all of the data distribution of the dataset according to the partitions map provided.

  • dataset – The dataset to plot (

  • partitions_map – The map of the dataset partitions.